Evaluate FAQs

General FAQs

How do I change units displayed in the applications?

To change the applications' default units, go to your user profile settings and change the units using the provided settings link. Imperial units are not supported in energy system design.

Alternatively, you can change temperature units for the energy system configuration in the designer’s 3D map.

How can I invite new users to my company account?

You must have an admin account to invite new users to your company.

  1. From your account dashboard, enter your account admin section by clicking your company name link in the top left section of the page.

  2. In the user's section, click the “Invite a user” button and proceed with the instructions on the page.

You can find more details about this procedure here.

How do I assign an application subscription to a user?

You must have an admin account to assign subscriptions to the users.

  1. From your account dashboard, enter your account admin section by clicking your company name link in the top left section of the page.

  2. In the user's section, click the “Applications” button.

  3. Click the “Manage” link of an application you want to assign to the user.

  4. Activate the toggle in the Subscription status column to assign it to the user.

You can find more details about this procedure here.

Project FAQs

How do I create a label to attach to my project for better categorization?

  1. Go to your account dashboard.

  2. Click the Projects link in the top navigation bar.

  3. Click the “+” button to add a new label.

You can find more details about this procedure here.

How do I assign a label to the project?

While on the Dashboard’s or Evaluate’s projects list page:

  1. Open the project’s three-dot menu.

  2. Click the “Assign label” link.

  3. Continue in the popup to assign the required label to your project.

You can find more details about this procedure here.

How can I change the project's owner?

While on the Dashboard’s or Evaluate’s projects list page:

  1. Open the project’s three-dot menu.

  2. Click the “Change owner” link.

  3. Select the new project owner from the list and confirm.

You can find more details about this procedure here.

How can I activate a Prospect project in Evaluate?

While on the Dashboard’s projects list page:

  1. Click the project you want to assign to Evaluate to open its details.

  2. Click the “More details” link in the General tab.

  3. On the next page, switch to the Applications tab using the menu to the left.

  4. Switch the Evaluate toggle to activate it for Evaluate.

You can find more details about this procedure here.

Can I change the name of the project?

Yes, you can change the project's name, change its owner, or assign labels to it.

  1. Click “More detail” in the General tab of the project overview.

  2. Click the “Edit” link while on the project info page.

  3. Edit allowed details and save the changes.

You can find more information about this procedure here.

Why there is no PV statistics and PV system losses in my analytics section?

There are three scenarios when these categories are not displayed in your project’s analytics:

  1. Your selected energy system is a GTI energy system, for which we do not provide these statistics.

  2. You have selected Solargis Time Series or Solargis TMY P50 data instead of an energy system in the energy system selector. Time series data analytics does not provide this data since it is only PV energy system-related.

  3. If your selected energy system is a PV system, it has not yet been simulated. You must simulate it to get this data.  

Can I download my project data to use in other software or 3rd party applications?

Yes, you can download your project data and use it in other PV data-supporting systems. We offer several formats, such as JSON, CSV, NREL SAM, Helioscope, and PVSyst data formats, to download your data. Read this guide to learn how to export your data.

Can I generate a detailed report for my project?

Yes, you can generate a detailed report with all essential data, including charts and statistics. You can do it using the download section of your project, and you can learn how to do it here.

How can I create a new Evaluate project?

You can create an Evaluate project in two ways:

  • By importing it from the Prospect application.

  • Creating a new project from scratch.

Both methods are explained in detail here.

How can I switch to another energy system to see its analytics?

You can do it using the energy system selector at the top of your project Overview or Analysis page.

I have selected my energy system, but there is no analysis data. Why?

Your energy system is not simulated. You must simulate it to obtain its analytics data.

I can not activate my project. Why?

It is likely that you have used all your purchased SGU. To assign one to your project, you must purchase additional SGU. To do that, please contact your Solargis account manager.

Where can I learn how to read and use the charts in the analytics section?

Details about how to work with the analytics section are outlined in the Data analysis document, and charts are explained in the How to read the charts document.

Where can I see my generated PV system's losses or its performance ratio?

These details are found in your project’s PV statistics, PV system losses, and PV long-term degradation sections, respectively. More information on this topic is covered here.

Please remember that these are available for PV energy systems only. Our system does not provide such information for GTI energy systems or Time Series data.

Energy system designer FAQs

Where can I create an energy system?

You can create energy systems from your project's details page.

  1. Open the project where you want to add an energy system.

  2. Use the main navigation to the left to switch to the Project section and select the Energy system.

  3. In the alternative energy system tab, click the “Create” button and select the system you want to create.

You can find more details about this procedure here.

How can I quickly create similar energy system?

You can create identical energy system using the duplicate feature. This way, you can quickly create alternatives with subtle changes for comparison.

Learn how to duplicate an energy system here.

Can I change my preferred dataset to use in the simulation?

Yes, you can change your preferred dataset for simulation in the energy system’s general settings tab (in the energy system designer). However, if your energy system has already been simulated, the analytics data will no longer be valid, and you will need to simulate it again.  

If you want to keep your original project’s data, you can duplicate the energy system and change the dataset in the new one. This will give you the benefit of having two identical energy systems with different datasets used for simulation.

Learn how to duplicate an energy system here.

While building an energy system, do I have to apply the changes after every adjustment?

No, the system applies the changes and recalculates the system’s parameters automatically after every value change.

How can I add an array to my project?

You can add an array to your project in the following ways:

  • To the reference point on the map - a 1MW square area array will be added by default.

  • To a segment - the array will fill the entire segment area, following its shape.

Can I set the approximate power output of my array?

You can directly set the power output of arrays placed at the reference point only (not in a segment).

  1. Select the array you want to change in the left navigation under the System design category or by clicking the array on the 3D map

  2. Under general settings of the array’s properties, enter the required power output. The design on the map will update automatically.

For arrays in segments, there are steps you can take to get closer to your desired PV power output:

  • Change your inner safe zone in the segment.

  • Change the distance between tables.

  • Select a different PV module (with a different power output).

  • Adding restricted areas to the segment (will reduce the number of tables in

Can I connect my array to a different inverter setup?

Yes, you can connect your arrays to any existing inverter setup. Please ensure the inverter setup can withstand the connection of the new array and that the new parameters are within its power limits.

Can I resize an existing segment containing an array?

Yes, you can resize the existing segment containing an array. 

  1. Open the segment options menu by clicking its three-dot menu in the main navigation panel to the left.

  2. Select “Edit verticles” from the menu.

  3. Grab and move any vertice with your mouse to the required position.

  4. When finished, hit enter on your keyboard or double-click the mouse to save and recalculate the segment.

Your segment will be adjusted, and the array will fill the new zone.

How can I exclude an area from my array where I do not want any array tables to be placed?

You can do it by creating a restricted area.

Can I create paths within the installation for maintenance access or other purposes?

Yes, you can create paths inside your array using the restricted lines

Can I decide where my inverters will be placed?

Yes, there are options you can use to change the placement of your inverters.

Generally, inverters can be placed under the tables or positioned as standalone outside of the array. You can also place your inverters in restricted areas or lines for better accessibility.

I need to move my grid connection and transformer. How can I do that?

You can use the move tool on the 3D map's tool panel.

Can I change my array's mounting setup?

Yes. Go to your array’s properties panel and change it under the general tab’s array type property.

Please keep in mind this will reset most of the array settings, including the PV module selection.

What kind of string wiring are you using in your design? Leapfrog or daisy chain?

Right now, the energy system configuration does not support cabling.

Can I export my design into a CAD file?

Not at the moment. This is a planned feature and will be available in the future.

Is it possible to import my own terrain data?

Not at the moment. In the first planned iteration, we would like to allow the import of terrain data as a consultancy service. Later, we plan to support uploading terrain datasets within the Solargis Evaluate environment.

What terrain should I use in the energy system designer?

You can decide what terrain model to use based on your requirements. Solargis Evaluate offers the following terrain options:

  • Flat - without the terrain.

  • Copernicus in 30m resolution (1 arcsec | global | 2011-2015 | surface model - including trees and buildings).

  • SRTM (Google Earth) in 30m resolution (1 arcsec | global | 2000 | terrain model - excluding trees and buildings).

  • SRTM (Solargis) in 90m resolution (3 arcsec | global | 2000 - 2017 | terrain model - excluding trees and buildings).

Is it possible to upload my own map?

Not at the moment, but it is possible to find free map sources in “Map tile” compatible format, which can be added as a service to the energy system designer as a custom map layer and get fresh satellite imaginary or other interesting local layers such as local cadastre, safe zones, protected areas, etc.

How can I use my own PV module in the design?

You can create a free account and upload your component to the PV components catalog, then select it when changing a PV module in the PV array properties.

Remember, there is a validation process when creating PV components in the PV components catalog and it may take some time until your own component will become available for selection.

How do you calculate cabling losses?

Currently, the cable losses are defined as percentage values for:

  • DC cabling

  • AC cabling after the inverter

  • AC cabling after inverter transformer

  • AC cabling after power transformer (optional)

Default values are applied for all of these losses.

Hint: Our simulator supports exact losses calculated based on the resistance of the cables, where the inputs are:

  • cable length

  • cable material

  • cable diameter

The cable length information is currently missing. Once we will introduce cabling, the losses will be precisely calculated based on real design.

Does the designer provide terrain-following mountings?

No, this feature will come first for fixed tilt early next year (2025) and for trackers later.

Is there support for multilevel transformers?

Yes, there is support for two levels of transformers that can automatically fill the voltage gap between the inverter voltage output and Grid connection voltage.

Is it possible to create vertical ground systems?

Yes. Although a dedicated mounting type is not yet available, it is possible to use standard fixed one-angle mounting with a 90-degree tilt. Tables will be placed in the inclination of the segment. Visible rack construction will not obstruct PV modules in simulation.

Why are the PV modules floating in the air, and I can not see any mounting?

This is a restriction we have introduced for a better user experience on computers with limited processing power. It does not affect the simulation in any way. It is only a visual restriction to lower the rendering burden on your machine and ensure smooth performance. It is usually applied to designs with output higher than 20MW.

I got a "WebGL context lost" error while working with the energy system designer.

This may happen for many reasons, most of which are out of our hands.

Some details about why this happens can be found on the following links:



What can I do next?

Usually, the PV energy system editor will restore the context on its own, and you can continue working. If it does not, you must refresh the page. If that doesn’t help, you’ll have to close and reopen the whole browser. After that, everything should be back to normal.

Can I prevent it from happening again?

Generally, you can follow these steps to minimize the chance of it happening again:

  • while editing the PV energy system, close other unnecessary tabs and programs that may be taking up your PC resources

  • if you have a dedicated GPU on your PC, make sure the browser is set up to use it

  • make sure your browser is up to date

  • make sure your drivers are up to date