Evaluate reports and data downloads

In this document

We will show you how to create different reports and generate data exports to download your project data to use in 3rd party applications.

Evaluate project data downloads

Your project’s data can be exported and downloaded through the Download section. The section offers the following formats:

  • Reports - get a detailed report of your energy system’s feasibility, theoretical power output, breakdown of losses, location solar irradiance, and other system-related data.

  • Data exports - export your project data to several formats for further processing in 3rd party applications.

Reports and data export file sizes may vary based on the extent of the project. Because of this, we handle the file downloads as follows:

  • Files smaller than 25 MB are sent to the user’s email address (reports only).

  • Larger reports and data exports are zipped and, if smaller than 25MB, sent to the user’s email address.

  • Email with link to download the file are sent for files larger than 25MB.

Generating reports

You can generate several reports for your energy system:

  1. Go to the Downloads section of your project and select Reports.

  2. Click the “Generate” button.

  3. Select the report type from the list. Available report types are (subject to energy systems created):

    • Site assessment of solar resource and climate conditions.

    • Full evaluation of photovoltaic energy project.

    • Review of solar resource and climate conditions.

    • Review of photovoltaic energy project.

Once you submit the request, your report will start generating in the background. The progress can be tracked in the Generated column in the Reports table. You can download it once generated.

Generating data exports

The exports contain both shaded and non-shaded data.

You can use the Data exports to generate files in specific formats suitable for different applications. Similarly to the Reports section, you have options to choose between different types of data to export:

  • Solar and meteo data - generated using the data sources set as the project’s dataset.

  • Energy system data - created based on the PV system configuration and simulation.

Steps to Generate Data Export:

  1. Go to the Downloads section of your project and select Data exports.

  2. Click the “Prepare data export” button.

  3. Select the data export type from the list.

When generating data for PVSyst, ensure you do not include the horizon in the export. PVSyst calculates its own horizon in the simulation, and the results would be inaccurate.

In the new popup, select preferred values as follows:

  1. Choose your Data source and related Dataset.

  2. Select the Output format. Available formats are JSON, CSV, NREL SAM, Helioscope, and PVSyst.

  3. Select the Date range.

  4. Select the Temporal resolution ranging from 15 minutes to one year.

  5. Use the checkbox to include/exclude the horizon shading in the export.

Your data export will start generating in the background. Once finished, you can download it. The progress can be tracked in the Generated column.