In this document
We will explain how to read and work with the charts in the Analysis section.
The project’s analysis section
The Analysis section consists of the following categories:
Solar resources: includes data such as global horizontal and tilted irradiances, direct normal irradiation, and diffuse horizontal irradiation.
Climate: contains charts informing about parameters such as temperature, speed and direction of the wind, wind gusts at the surface level, and more.
Environment: includes information about albedo and precipitable water.
If you select a PV energy system, you will also find PV statistics, PV losses, and PV long-term degradation categories.
Be aware that the GTI simulator uses the isotropic sky model because it is simpler and works well with the view factor approach. Our PV simulator for Evaluate employs the anisotropic sky model in combination with path tracing for more accurate results. Because of this, you will see slight differences in the respective simulated GHI values.
Analysis chart groups
The charts were precisely crafted to depict the data in the easiest, most understandable way. Most charts in the categories are similar, with subtle differences only.
Navigating these charts is similar:
The parameters displayed are described in the chart's legend. In some charts, you can toggle the parameter visibility on/off by clicking its name in the legend.
Hover over the chart to inspect a particular timestamp’s data in the popup.
Click the question mark icon to view the chart description or use the chart’s options menu to export it to PNG, SVG, PDF, or CSV formats (if available).
Some parameters may provide higher granularity data, e.g., daily or hourly, and you can access these in the charts menu.
All charts are derived from the same dataset, but the values in various charts and tables may be interpreted differently to better understand the location's solar resource, climate, and environment.
The averages/summaries in the charts are always calculated using the data from COMPLETE years only! For example, if you look at a yearly summary chart in December, the calculated data will not include data starting from January of the same year.
Yearly-monthly charts
Monthly statistics
Solar resources | Climate | |
Chart included for | GHI, DNI, D2G, GTI, Summary | TEMP, RH, TD, WBT, WS, WG, AP, PREC, Summary |
Charts of this type represent monthly averages with minimum and maximum values for each month.
The monthly average represents the average value per month in the given month in all years from the time series.
Minimum and maximum depict the minimum and maximum values reached in the given month throughout the time series.
Unit | |
X-axis | Month |
Y-axis | Respective unit for the given parameter |
How to use it
This chart can be used to estimate the system's minimal/maximal possible production (min/max values) for every month in the time range. Additionally, the differences between the minimal and maximal values show the potential fluctuation of the conditions in the area.
For example, in winter months, the solar irradiation is low, but the values do not differ massively and are regularly closer to the average, while in summer, the differences are more significant, and the system can experience high peaks as well as very low-production periods.
Interannual variability
Solar resources | Climate | |
Chart included for | GHI, DNI, D2G, GTI | TEMP, SDWE |
These charts represent summaries (Solar resources) or averages (Climate) of the given parameter, respectively, during the time period defined by the resource data. The charts display monthly values per year.
This chart's visualization for PREC (precipitation) and SDWE (accumulation of snow depth) differs. It is presented as a line chart, which better represents the accumulation effect.
Unit | |
X-axis | Month |
Y-axis | Respective unit for the given parameter |
How to use it
This chart can help you identify the years with the best/worst conditions for energy production and how much that deviated from the long-term average (red line). Identifying a year may help you investigate what caused such an extreme and prepare for such a scenario accordingly.
Additionally, it visualizes the yearly fluctuation between minimal and maximal values for every month in the time series.
In the case of precipitation and accumulation of snow, you can see every year’s values separately to better understand trends and examine the years with the highest deviation from the average. This can help in estimating potential soiling losses, designing appropriate structural supports for snow loads, and planning maintenance schedules that ensure optimal performance and longevity of the solar panels.
Yearly Time Series
Solar resources | Climate | |
Chart included for | GHI, DNI, D2G, GTI | TEMP, RH, TD, WBT, WS, WG, AP, PREC |
This chart represents yearly averages, standard deviation, and mean value of the selected parameter.
The mean value represents the average over the whole time series, serving as a central reference point when assessing parameter values.
The standard deviation represents average deviation from the mean, providing insight into variability or consistency over time series.
Unit | |
X-axis | Year |
Y-axis | Respective unit for the given parameter |
How to use it
This chart clearly shows differences from mean value year by year. The variability shows you what differences you can expect and calculate when designing your energy system.
Especially in case of temperature, you can quickly spot which years had lowest/highest extremities and what those values were.
The knowledge of standard deviation provides insights into variability and consistency of solar energy production, enabling more accurate predictions of energy yield.
Monthly Time Series
Solar resources | Climate | Environment | |
Chart included for | GHI, DNI, D2G, GTI | TEMP, SDWE | PWAT |
This chart represents parameter’s monthly summaries throughout whole time series.
Unit | |
X-axis | Month and Year |
Y-axis | Respective unit for the given parameter |
How to use it
This chart provides valuable insights into seasonal and long-term variations in solar radiation, temperature, and other climatic factors, aiding in PV system design by allowing for the optimization of panel orientation, sizing of the system to match energy demand patterns, and enhancing the accuracy of energy yield predictions and financial models.
Monthly and yearly summaries/averages table
Solar resources | Climate | |
Chart included for | GHI, DNI, D2G, GTI | TEMP, RH, TD, WBT, WS, WG, AP, PREC |
The Monthly and yearly summaries/averages table visually represent the monthly values for each year in the range. The table cells are visualized as a heatmap to see the differences. This can be used as a reference to quickly spot the months with the highest/lowest rates.
Summary for the given month in the given year.
Summary for the whole year.
LTA (long-term average) value for the given month.
Unit | |
X-axis (top) | Months |
X-axis (bottom) | Long term average (LTA) |
Y-axis (left) | Year |
Y-axis (right) | Summary/Average for the whole year |
How to use it
This histogram table provides a quick visual assessment of the most productive months and seasonal differences and helps estimate the highest/lowest energy yield periods. Additionally, it can help you determine the best time of the year for planned maintenance or show you when the system can work under more optimal conditions due to lower temperatures despite lower solar irradiance.
Daily charts
Monthly histogram of daily values
Solar resources | Climate | |
Chart included for | GHI, DNI, D2G, GTI | TEMP, RH, TD, WBT, WS, WG, AP, PREC |
The chart represents histograms of daily summaries/averages of the given parameter, respectively. Columns depict the percentage of days the parameter was within a certain range, and the black line shows the cumulative distribution function. The percentiles are displayed with dark grey and light grey color bands, respectively.
Unit | |
X-axis | Respective parameter values |
Y-axis (left) | Percentage value of days in the range (columns) |
Y-axis (right) | Cumulative distribution function (black line) |
How to use it
This chart reveals patterns of variability and extremes, helping to optimize system sizing, anticipate periods of over- or under-production every month, and plan for energy storage or supplementary power needs.
Different percentiles, such as p90, p50, and p75, provide a range of probabilistic energy yield estimates, helping in PV system design planning by offering a more comprehensive understanding of potential energy production under various conditions, facilitating risk assessment, financial modeling, and ensuring that the system is resilient to variations in solar resource availability.
Hourly charts
Hourly statistics by month
Solar resources | Climate | |
Chart included for | GHI, DNI, D2G, GTI | TEMP, RH, TD, WBT, WS, WG, AP, PREC |
The chart shows the hourly range for 98% of days in the month (P01-P99), the hourly range for 80% of days in the month (P10-P90), and the hourly average in the given month (blue line).
Unit | |
X-axis | Hour of the day |
Y-axis | Respective parameter values |
How to use it
This chart provides detailed insights into the variability and reliability of solar energy production on an hourly basis. These charts benefit PV system design by allowing you to:
Identify Peak and Off-Peak Periods: Understand typical and extreme ranges of solar radiation and energy production throughout the day, helping to optimize system performance and align with energy demand patterns.
Plan for Energy Storage and Backup: Assess the need for and size of energy storage solutions and backup power systems to maintain a stable energy supply during periods of low solar output.
Hourly data visualization tables
The hourly data visualization tables are created in the same way as the monthly and yearly summaries tables. They give you a color-coded view of the monthly parameter summary/average per hour.
The average (Climate) or summary (solar resource) at the given hour in the month.
LTA (Climate) or summary (solar resource) per month.
Unit | |
X-axis (bottom) | Summary (solar resource) or LTA (Climate) |
X-axis (top) | Month |
Y-axis | Hour of the day |
How to use it
The temperature heatmap table can help you identify times when overheating can occur and limits can be exceeded or spot the coolest periods during the day in the given month. You can use this information to perform maximum demand tests or introduce relevant system protection.
Monthly histogram of hourly values
Solar resources | Climate | |
Chart included for | GHI, DNI, D2G, GTI | TEMP, RH, TD, WBT, WS, WG, AP, PREC |
The chart represents histograms of hourly averages of the given parameter with percentiles stated in the text. The grey area with middle line depicts average and standard deviation from it, and the black line shows the cumulative distribution function. This chart’s availability depends on location and its dataset granularity.
The values written inside the chart show the percentiles.
Unit | |
X-axis | Respective parameter values |
Y-axis | Percentage of days |
How to use it
The x-axis of chart indicates how far values go in every month and they depict instant values not averages.
If, for example, values in a chart representing July in the northern hemisphere (summer month) are mostly in the lower range, it may indicate that it is often cloudy and that, despite summer, energy production is much lower than expected.
If charts are almost identical for all months it may indicate that energy production could be consistent throughout whole year (e.g., desert areas in Africa).
15-minute values charts
Monthly histogram of 15-minute values
Solar resources | Climate | |
Chart included for | GHI, DNI, GTI | N/A |
The chart represents histograms of daily averages of the given parameter with percentiles stated in the text. The grey area with middle line depicts average and standard deviation from it. This chart’s availability depends on location and its dataset granularity.
The values written inside the chart show the percentiles.
Unit | |
X-axis | Respective parameter values |
Y-axis | Percentage of days |
How to use it
The x-axis of chart indicates how far values go in every month and they depict instant values not averages.
If, for example, values in a chart representing July in the northern hemisphere (summer month) are mostly in the lower range, it may indicate that it is often cloudy and that, despite summer, energy production is much lower than expected.
If charts are almost identical for all months it may indicate that energy production could be consistent throughout whole year (e.g., desert areas in Africa).
Monthly histogram of 15-minute signed/unsigned changes
Solar resources | Climate | |
Chart included for | GHI, DNI, GTI | N/A |
The charts represent histograms of 15-minute signed (positive and negative values)/unsigned (absolute value of positive and negative values) parameter changes respectively. It depicts percentage of days parameter changed by a certain amount.
Unit | |
X-axis | Respective parameter values |
Y-axis | Percentage of days |
How to use it
You can use the signed chart to note the range the values reach in every month. Values closer to zero indicate low fluctuation in values, while a wider chart shows the values changing more significantly within a single month.
This knowledge may help you to determine what battery size would be appropriate for the location.
Other charts
Wind speed and wind direction
This chart illustrates the direction and speed of the wind at the location. It is represented by a circle depicting the directions (North, East, South, West) with intermediary directions in between.
Different colors represent different wind speeds (1), and the direction is indicated by its placement within the chart.
Ground surface albedo
The chart represents the monthly ground surface albedo averages for the whole time series and is available under the environmental category only.
Unit | |
X-axis | Months |
Y-axis | Ground albedo |
How to use it
Albedo values can help you establish the reflectivity of the surrounding area and make more informed decisions when selecting the PV module type.
PV energy system charts
If a PV energy system is selected for the project, the PV statistics, PV system loss, and PV long-term degradation charts will be available.
They are calculated using our advanced PV Simulator, considering many factors, such as inverter and array parameters, cabling losses, shading, or snow and soil losses. They provide detailed insight into the feasibility of the power plan at the selected location.
You can find more details about the PV energy system charts in this document.