Adding component manually

In this document

We will guide you through the steps of adding a component to the catalog manually.

Adding component manually

Available to Editor and Admin users only.

If you want to know what parameters are included for each component type and their description, read the Bulk import - PV modules and Bulk import - Inverters documents. Fields marked with a star are mandatory.

You can create new components manually or by duplication.

Manual creation lets you choose the component type (inverter or PV module) and manually fill out all of its information.

If you have component data stored locally, you can take advantage of the bulk upload feature. Multiple components may be uploaded at a time.

The required upload file format and sample template will become available once you select the component type you want to upload.

Duplicating a component

Alternatively, you can start preparing a new component by duplicating an existing one.

Duplication provides a flexible solution when you want to create a new version of a component or start working on a similar one. All the component’s data will be pre-filled with the original data—you change only the parameters that are different.

Duplication maintains the component type. If you duplicate an inverter, you can not change its type to a PV module and vice versa.

Component data input

Once you start the component creation, you will be redirected to the component data entry page. Depending on the selected component type, you will add PV module or inverter data here.

Available download formats

You can select from the available data formats you wish to be available for download. Every format requires particular data to be added to the component datasheet, and you will be notified about the missing values.

You must fill in all necessary information for a particular download to become available. Hovering over the error message reveals the missing parameters. PVCC format is always available to download, even with missing information.

Market data

This section lets you fill in market-related information, such as a manufacturer's website link or price-related information.

Component’s technical data

The technical data you can enter differs based on component type (module or inverter).

For inverters, you can enter details related to input (DC), output (AC), operating performance, dimensions, efficiency curves, PVSYST specifics, and IEC 61850 data.(full inverter datasheet)

For PV modules, detailed dimensions such as frame border or cell area can be entered, and electrical characteristics, diode model, optical data, PV module characteristics, and reference conditions may also be added.(full PV module datasheet)

Every category offers many values to be entered. We suggest you fill in as many details as you can to increase the chance of the component being approved by our technical review team.

Adding images and attachments

You can supplement every component with images, datasheets, certificates, or other relevant data files, which you can upload at the end of the component data page.

Images must be in PNG or JPG format with a maximum size of 6MB.

When you fill in all the details, save the component draft using the “Save” button at the top of the page. Component will be automatically validated.