Bulk import - PV modules datasheet

In this document

You will find a complete list of PV module parameters that can be added to the component.

Market data


Name of the company manufacturing the PV module, e.g., Trina Sola, Canadian Solar, Huawei, …

The name of the manufacturer must match the name as listed in the PVCC database. Please consult the list of manufacturers in the PVCC web interface.

If there is no manufacturer name for the component after import.

  • Please check that the manufacturer name is spelled correctly and exactly the same as stated in the list of manufacturers. The full list of manufacturers can be found in the import form or in the filter in the web interface of PVCC.

  • The manufacturer is not yet listed in our manufacturer list. Please, write an email to info@pvcomponents.com and the team will add the record for you.

Model name of the PV module

The model name of the PV module, e.g., TSM-DE19R 585W.

The name should be specific for the model variant - e.g., attention must be paid to the rated power and regional versions of the same component.

The name should not contain the name of the product line with multiple variants, such as TSM-DE19R 565-585W.

Manufacturer's website link

The field represents the manufacturer’s product website for the product or product line, e.g., https://www.company.com/products/pv-panels/M-series/m-500-hs.html.

Year when PV module was introduced to market

The date when the PV module was introduced to the market in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 11/06/2020 for June 11th, 2020.

Year when PV module was discontinued

The date when the PV module was discontinued in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 11/06/2020 for June 11th, 2020.

Leave blank if the PV module is still on the market.

Number of ordered panels for which the unit price is valid

This is a PVSyst-specific parameter and denotes the number of PV modules for which the price recorded in the PVSyst database is correct. This parameter reflects volume-based pricing, often used by manufacturers.

Date when price of the module was recorded

Date when the price of the module was recorded in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 11/06/2020 for June 11th, 2020. This is a PVSyst-specific parameter and is tied to the price in the PVSyst database.

Mechanical characteristics


The length of the whole PV module, including all frames, paddings, and similar, is shown in the pictures below.


Width of the whole PV module, including all frames, paddings, and similar, as shown in the pictures below.


The thickness of the PV module, including the frame and any mounting elements.

Frame border (longer side direction)

The width of the metal frame on the longer side of the PV module, typically 8-12 mm.

Frame border (shorter side direction)

The width of the metal frame on the shorter side of the PV module, typically 8-12 mm.

Frame padding (longer side direction)

The space between the frame and the closest edge of the cell on the longer side of the PV module.

Frame padding (shorter side direction)

The space between the frame and the closest edge of the cell on the shorter side of the PV module.

Middle frame border size

Relevant for half-cut cell PV modules. The metal frame between the top and bottom part of the panel.

Middle frame border padding

Relevant for half-cut cell PV modules. The space between the middle frame and closest edge of cell (either side of middle frame).

Cell size (module longer side direction)

Length of cell in direction of longer side of PV module. For half-cut cells it is shorter side of half-cell.

Cell size (module shorter side direction)

Length of cell in direction of shorter side of PV module. For half-cut cells it is longer side of half-cell.

Cut cell options (Fraction)


for full cut cell


for half-cut cell


for third-cut cell

Cell Area

The area of cell in square cm.

Electrical characteristics

Short circuit current

Rated short circuit current of the PV module.

Open circuit voltage

Rated open circuit voltage of the PV module.

Maximum power at STC

Maximum power at STC (Standard Test Conditions).

STC is defined as follows:

  • solar irradiance of 1,000 Watts per square meter

  • cell temperature of 25 degrees Celsius

  • an air mass of 1.5 as defined in IEC 60904-3

Maximum power at PV USA TC

Maximum power at PV USA TC (Test Conditions), also known as PTC.

PTC are defined as follows:

  • solar irradiance of 1,000 Watts per square meter

  • ambient temperature of 20 degrees Celsius

  • wind speed of 1 meter per second at 10 meters above ground

Nameplate maximum power

The nameplate, nominal or rated power of the PV module. This is the power most often quoted as the output of the PV module.

Nominal power tolerance lower

Tolerance (in percent) of the stated nominal power figure in the downward direction (lower than nominal power), e.g., an expected decrease of the nominal power of any PV module of that model from the stated figure.

Nominal power tolerance upper

Tolerance (in percent) of the stated nominal power figure in the upward direction (higher than nominal power), e.g., an expected increase of the nominal power of any PV module of that model from the stated figure.

Efficiency at STC

Nominal efficiency of the PV module, as measured at STC.

Maximum power current at reference conditions

The current produced by the PV module, when it is operated at its maximum power point under reference conditions (STC).

Maximum power voltage at reference conditions

The voltage at the output of the PV module, when the module is operated at its maximum power point under reference conditions (STC).

Maximum system voltage IEC

Maximum allowed system voltage according to the IEC 61730-1 standard.

Maximum system voltage UL (US)

Maximum system voltage according to the UL1703 / UL61730 standard (USA specific).

Bypass diode resistance

Resistance of the bypass diode/diodes.

Voltage drop across bypass diode in reverse bias

Voltage drop across bypass diode, when the diode is in reverse bias (normal operation of the PV module).

Diode model characteristics

Short-circuit current temperature coefficient

Change of the short-circuit current in response to changes in temperature in Amperes per Kelvin.

Open circuit voltage temperature coefficient

Change of the open-circuit voltage in response to changes in temperature in Volts per Kelvin.

Maximum power temperature coefficient

Change in the maximum power of the PV module in response to changes in temperature in % per degree Celsius.

Adjustment to short circuit temperature coefficient

Adjustment used in the NREL SAM simulation software.

Nominal Operating Cell Temperature

Nominal Operating Cell Temperature.

Series resistance

Series resistance of the single diode model.

Shunt resistance

Shunt resistance of the single diode model.

Shunt resistance at zero solar irradiance for PVsyst model

Shunt resistance at zero solar irradiance used in the PVSyst simulation software.

Exponent for R shunt and Irradiance dependence for PVsyst model

Exponent factor for irradiance dependence of shunt resistance in the PVSyst simulation software.

For most PV modules, value 5.5 is suitable; for CdTe modules, value 3.0 is suitable.

Diode ideality (quality) factor

The standard definition of the diode ideality/quality factor.

At least one of the following parameters has to be filled in:

  • Diode ideality (quality) factor

  • Modified diode ideality factor (see below)

Gamma temperature coefficient for diode ideality factor

Gamma temperature coefficient (“muGamma”) for diode ideality factor used in the PVSyst simulation software.

Modified diode ideality factor

The modified diode ideality factor, as used in the De Soto five parameter model.

At least one of the following parameters has to be filled in:

  • Diode ideality (quality) factor (see above)

  • Modified diode ideality factor

Reverse Bias Parameter for use in PVsyst for PV arrays under partial shadings or mismatch

Reverse Bias Parameter (Brev) for calculation of partial shading or string mismatch due to shading in the PVSyst simulation software.

Optical characteristics

Absorption coefficient of solar irradiation = (1-reflection)

Absorption coefficient of solar irradiation. Absorption is defined as (1 - reflection).

PVSyst Incidence Angle Modifier entry mode

Entry mode of the PVSyst Incidence Angle Modifier specification.

Please fill in one of the following:

  • User-defined

  • ASHRAE model

  • Fresnel

  • Normal glass

  • Fresnel AR coating

  • Sandia model

PVSyst Incidence Angle Modifier profile

Please fill in one of the following in the PVSyst-type string format.

Required format



ASHRAE model


User-defined profile



Incidence Angle Modifier (IAM) point 1 - 9

Up to nine value pairs (angle; efficiency) specifying the Incidence Angle Modifier profile, as used in the PVSyst simulation software.

Sub module layout (PVsyst)

Layout of the sub-modules of the PV module.

Please fill one of the following in the PVSyst-type string format.

Required format



In length


In width


Twin half cells


Shingled cells


Twin third cells, 5 rows


Twin third cells, 6 rows


Twin third cells, 4 rows


Strips in length (thin film)


Strips in width (thin film)


Special - exotic



Sandia AM correction

Sandia air mass factor correction, used in the PVSyst simulation software.

PV module characteristics


Cell technology of the PV module.

Please use one of the following options in the required format.

Required format



Monocrystalline Silicon


Polycrystalline Silicon

CDTE (currently disabled due to development)

Cadmium Telluride


Thin Film


Copper Indium Gallium Selenide


Bifaciality factor, expressed as the ratio of efficiency of the rear side to the efficiency of the front side of the PV module.

Please fill in one of the following:




for monofacial PV modules

0.01 - 1.00

bifaciality factor

Front surface type

Front surface type as a PVSyst parameter.

Please fill in one of the following in the PVSyst-type string format.

Required format



Anti-Reflective coating


Normal glass


Textured glass



Number of bypass diodes

Number of bypass diodes used in the PV module construction.

Number of full cells or half-cut cells

Total number of cells (full or half-cut) used in the PV module construction.

Number of cells in parallel

The number of cells (cell strings) electrically connected in parallel within the PV module.

Number of cells in series

The number of cells electrically connected in series within the PV module.

Number of cells (module longer side direction)

The number of cells (full or half-cut - as used in the PV module) laid in the direction of the longer side of the PV module.

Number of cells (module shorter side direction)

The number of cells (full or half-cut - as used in the PV module) laid in the direction of the shorter side of the PV module.

Is Building-integrated photovoltaics?

Yes/No value denoting whether the PV module is Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV).

Degradation yearly

Value of yearly PV module performance degradation in percent.

Reference conditions

Reference Air Mass Spectra

Reference AM value, used in the PVSyst simulation software. Typical STC value is 1.5.

Reference irradiance (usually STC)

Reference irradiance, used in the PVSyst simulation software. Typical STC value is 1000 Watts per square meter.

Reference temperature (usually STC)

Reference cell temperature, used in the PVSyst simulation software. Typical STC value is 25 degrees Celsius.


Module technology and specificities line 1 to line 4 (PVsyst)

Four lines of strings specific to the PVSyst simulation software further specify the PV module. Although the content is not prescribed, they typically cover the following:

  1. Frame type

  2. The material of the PV module cover.

  3. Specification of the PV module’s electrical connections.

  4. Encapsulation and rear material of the PV module.

Data source of PAN file with year

PVSyst-specific parameter containing source of the PAN file data and the year in which the data was obtained, e.g., “Manufacturer 2022.”

PAN file name in PVsyst database

Name of the PAN file as it appears in the PVSyst database of PV modules.

PAN file version (PVSyst)

Version number of the PAN file.

The date when the module was added to SAM database

Date (DD/MM/YYYY) when the module was added to the database of NREL SAM simulation software.

SAM Version (SAM)

The version of the NREL SAM simulation software, in which the specification of this PV module appears.

PV module configuration type

IEC 61850 specific parameter, specifying the type of the PV module, entered as a number according to the table below:




Unknown/Not applicable


Flat plate



