Bulk import - Inverters datasheet

In this document

You will find a complete list of inverter parameters that can be added to the component.

Market data


Name of the company manufacturing the inverter, e.g., Huawei, Sungrow, Ingeteam…

The name of the manufacturer must match the name listed in the PVCC database. Please consult the list of manufacturers in the import form or the filter in the web interface of the PVCC.

If there is no manufacturer name for the component after import.

  • Please check that the manufacturer name is spelled correctly and exactly the same as stated in the list of manufacturers. The full list of manufacturers can be found in the import form or in the filter in the web interface of PVCC.

  • The manufacturer is not yet listed in our manufacturer list. Please, write an email to info@pvcomponents.com and the team will add the record for you.

Model name

The model name of the inverter, e.g., CPS SCH275KTL-DO/US-800.

The name should be specific for the model variant - e.g., attention must be paid to the rated power and regional versions of the same component.

The name should not contain the name of the product line with multiple variants such as SUN-60/70/75/80K-G.

Date when Inverter was introduced to market

The date when the inverter was introduced to the market in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 11/06/2020 for June 11th, 2020.

Date when Inverter was discontinued

The date when the inverter was discontinued in DD/MM/YYYY format, e.g., 11/06/2020 for June 11th, 2020.

Leave blank if the inverter is still on the market.

Input (DC) side

Input operating mode

PVSyst specific parameter, specifying the mode of control of the inverter input. Please fill in one of the following:

  • Fixed voltage

  • MPPT

Minimum operating DC active power

Minimum input (DC) active power, at which the inverter can operate.

Minimum operating DC voltage

Minimum input (DC) voltage above which the inverter can operate.

Maximum DC input voltage

Maximum input (DC) voltage, at which the inverter operates at its rated power output. Above this voltage, the power output is clipped.

Minimum MPPT voltage

Minimum voltage, at which the Maximum Power Point Tracking system can operate.

Maximum MPPT voltage

Maximum voltage, at which the Maximum Power Point Tracking system can operate.

Nominal MPPT voltage

The nominal voltage of the Maximum Power Point Tracking system operation, typically mid-range of the MPPT voltages.

Maximum DC input voltage

Maximum input (DC) voltage, at which the inverter is safe. Above this voltage, the inverter shuts down for protection.

Maximum input current per MPPT

Maximum input (DC) current of the inverter per MPPT input (e.g., maximum current for a single MPPT input if the inverter has multiple MPPT inputs).

Number of MPPT trackers

Number of separate MPPT inputs to the inverter.

Number of DC inputs per MPPT

Number of separate DC inputs (strings) per each MPPT of the inverter.

Switch on the DC side

The presence of a switch on the input side, a parameter used in the PVSyst simulation software.

High DC voltage for specification of efficiency curves

Input (DC) voltage at which the High DC Voltage efficiency curve is specified.

Medium DC voltage for specification of efficiency curves

Input (DC) voltage, at which the Medium DC Voltage efficiency curve is specified.

Low DC voltage for specification of efficiency curves

Input (DC) voltage at which the Low DC Voltage efficiency curve is specified.

Output (AC) side

Maximum AC power

Maximum output (AC) power of the inverter.

Rated AC power

Rated, or nominal output (AC) power of the inverter.

Number of AC phases

Number of output (AC) phases of the inverter (typically 1 or 3).

Minimum tangens (leading) of the phase angle achievable by the inverter

The ratio between the maximum imported reactive power and the maximum active power of the inverter in compliance with P-Q capability of the inverter.

Maximum leading power factor achievable by the inverter

The ratio of maximum active power P to apparent power S when the inverter is importing maximum reactive power. Equivalent to the minimum tangens of the phase angle.

Maximum tangens (lagging) of the phase angle achievable by the inverter

Ratio between the maximum exported reactive power and maximum active power of the inverter in compliance with the P-Q capability of the inverter.

Maximum lagging power factor achievable by the inverter

The ratio of maximum active power P to apparent power S when the inverter is exporting maximum reactive power. Equivalent to the maximum tangens of the phase angle.

Nominal output voltage

Nominal or rated output (AC) voltage of the inverter.

Nominal AC current of the inverter

Nominal or rated output (AC) current of the inverter.

Maximum AC current of the inverter

Maximum output (AC) current the inverter is capable of producing.

Switch on the AC side

Presence of a switch on the output side, a parameter used in the PVSyst simulation software.

Operating performance

Behavior at maximum AC power

Parameter used in the PVSyst simulation software, please fill in one of the following options:

  • Limitation

  • Cut

  • Cut until evening

Behavior when the input voltage goes out of the MPP window

Parameter used in the PVSyst simulation software, please fill in one of the following options:

  • Limitation

  • Cut

Night power consumption

Power loss of the inverter, which is supplied from an external source, when no solar generator power is present.

Self-consumption of the inverter

DC power required to start the inversion process, or self-consumption by the inverter. Also, the power used during operation. Strongly influences inverter efficiency at low power levels.

Maximum temperature for maximum AC power

Maximum ambient temperature, at which the inverter can output its maximum AC power.

Maximum temperature for rated AC power

Maximum ambient temperature, at which the inverter can output its rated AC power.

First temperature limit for power derating

First ambient temperature limit, at which the modeled power output of the inverter starts derating (decreasing).

AC power at first temperature limit

Output (AC) power of the inverter at the first temperature limit. This is the derated (decreased) output power.

Maximum allowable temperature

Maximum ambient temperature at which the inverter can operate.

AC power at maximum allowable temperature

Output (AC) power of the inverter at the maximum ambient temperature, at which it can operate.

Mechanical characteristics


Width of the inverter.


Height of the inverter.


Depth of the inverter.


Weight of the inverter.

Efficiency characteristics

Maximum Efficiency

Maximum efficiency the inverter can achieve.

EURO Efficiency

Weighted average efficiency according to the EURO weighing equation.

CEC Efficiency

Weighted average efficiency according to the CEC weighing equation.

Maximum Efficiency for Vdclow

Maximum achievable efficiency at the low input (DC) voltage. The low DC voltage is specified in the Input (DC) Side section.

EURO Efficiency for Vdclow

Weighted average efficiency according to the EURO weighing equation at the low input (DC) voltage. The low DC voltage is specified in the Input (DC) Side section.

Efficiency at Low DC Voltage, Point 1 to Point 11

Up to 11 value pairs specifying the efficiency of the inverter at the low input DC voltage can be entered. In the web interface, the value pairs can be entered:

  1. In terms of the input power and efficiency as [input DC power in Watts; efficiency in %]

  2. In terms of the input and output power as [input DC power in Watts; output AC power in Watts]

In the bulk upload template, only option 1. above is allowed.

Maximum Efficiency for Vdcmedium

Maximum achievable efficiency at the medium input (DC) voltage. The medium DC voltage is specified in the Input (DC) Side section.

EURO Efficiency for Vdcmedium

Weighted average efficiency according to the EURO weighing equation at the medium input (DC) voltage. The medium DC voltage is specified in the Input (DC) Side section.

Efficiency at Medium DC Voltage, Point 1 to Point 11

Up to 11 value pairs specifying the efficiency of the inverter at the medium input DC voltage can be entered. In the web interface, the value pairs can be entered:

  1. In terms of the input power and efficiency as [input DC power in Watts; efficiency in %]

  2. In terms of the input and output power as [input DC power in Watts; output AC power in Watts]

In the bulk upload template, only option 1. above is allowed.

Maximum Efficiency for Vdchigh

Maximum achievable efficiency at the high input (DC) voltage. The high DC voltage is specified in the Input (DC) Side section.

EURO Efficiency for Vdchigh

Weighted average efficiency according to the EURO weighing equation at the high input (DC) voltage. The high DC voltage is specified in the Input (DC) Side section.

Efficiency at High DC Voltage, Point 1 to Point 11

Up to 11 value pairs specifying the efficiency of the inverter at the high input DC voltage can be entered. In the web interface, the value pairs can be entered:

  1. In terms of the input power and efficiency as [input DC power in Watts; efficiency in %]

  2. In terms of the input and output power as [input DC power in Watts; output AC power in Watts]

In the bulk upload template, only option 1. above is allowed.

Sandia Model Characteristics

The following parameters are used to describe the efficiency of the inverter using the Sandia inverter efficiency model.

Sandia Coefficient C0

Parameter defining the curvature of the relationship between AC output power and DC input power.

Sandia Coefficient C1

Empirical coefficient allowing Maximum DC power to vary linearly with DC voltage input.

Sandia Coefficient C2

Empirical coefficient allowing self-consumption of the inverter to vary linearly with DC voltage input.

Sandia Coefficient C3

Empirical coefficient allowing the coefficient C0 to vary linearly with DC voltage input.

Maximum DC Power

DC (input) power at which the rated AC (output) power is achieved at reference operating conditions.

Nominal DC Voltage

DC (input) voltage at which the rated AC (output) power is achieved at reference operating conditions.

Advanced Functionality

Grid Support

Grid support capability of the inverter, as used in the NREL SAM simulation software. Please fill in one of the following options:

  • Grid Support

  • Utility Interactive

Hybrid PV system

Yes/No value denoting whether the inverter is suitable for a hybrid PV system, as used in the NREL SAM simulation software.

PVSyst Specific Parameters

The Year of Availability of OND File

Year in which the PVSyst OND file (PVSyst inverter specification exchange format) was made available in the PVSyst database.

Data Source

Source of the data in the PVSyst specification, e.g., “Manufacturer 2021”.

File Version

Version number of the PVSyst OND file.

Master/Slave Capability Threshold

Relative power threshold from which the second (slave) device will be turned ON.

PVsyst Parameter About Possibility to Adjust Grid Voltage Limits

Yes/No value, denoting the possibility of adjusting the grid voltage limits for the inverter stopping condition.

PVsyst Internal Parameter to Deal with Efficiency Profile

Internal PVsyst parameter for the balance of the wiring contribution when establishing the efficiency profile.

PVsyst Estimated Efficiency Curve, Point 1 to Point 11

Up to 11 value pairs [input DC power in Watts; output AC power in Watts] specifying the efficiency of the inverter. This efficiency profile is estimated by the PVSyst simulation software.

IEC 61850 Specific

Rating for Maximum Absorbing Reactive Power

Maximum (rated) reactive power of the inverter, when the reactive power is absorbed (leading power factor).

Rating for Maximum Supply (Injection) Reactive Power

Maximum (rated) reactive power of the inverter when the reactive power is injected (lagging power factor).

AC Voltage Maximum Rating

Maximum rated output (AC) voltage of the inverter.

AC Voltage Minimum Rating

Minimum rated output (AC) voltage of the inverter.

Inverter Control Source

Please fill in one of the following options:

  • Current

  • Voltage

  • Voltage-current

Rated Active Power of the Inverter

Rated (nominal) active power output of the inverter.

The Continuous Apparent Power Capability of the Power Inverter

Rated (nominal) apparent power of the inverter that can be delivered continuously (e.g., not transient spikes).

Type of Cooling Method

Please fill in one of the following options:

  • Passive air cooling (heatsink)

  • Forced air cooling (fan + heatsink)

  • Fluid cooling (water)

  • Heat pipe

Maximum Input Current Limit

Limit on the input (DC) current.

Maximum Input Voltage Limit

Limit on the input (DC) voltage.

Rated Bi-directional Reactive Power

Rated reactive power in both absorbing and injecting mode.