Browsing the catalog

In this document

We will show you how to browse the catalog, the type of data it provides, and how to interpret it.

The catalog access

As a user, you can browse the catalog in two ways:

  • As an unregistered user – you can only see the listings and the basic information about the components.

  • As a registered user – you will be able to see the complete list of components and their full information (component details).

The catalog interface

The catalog’s interface is intuitive and easy to navigate.

Click the component if you want to know more details about the component and navigate to its details page.

The number of displayed component details might be limited as fair use policies may apply.

Unregistered users view

If you are browsing the catalog as an unregistered user, the information you will see will be limited. You can filter only basic details, such as the PV module or inverter.

The component details page will show basic information only, and most details will be locked. To see the full list of parameters, you must sign up. It's free.

Registered users view

As a registered user, you can see the full list of parameters available for every component in the catalog. None of the values are locked. Also, as a registered user, you can download datasheets in any format provided (CSV, PAN file, OND file, …) and other attachments.

Admin and editor user’s views

As an editor, you will gain additional access to My components page, where you can view components you and your company members have created. Use the top navigation menu to get there.

On top of that, admin users can access the account administration when you can manage your users, activate an API access or view its usage. Use the main menu to access My company page.

Admin & editor component details page

As an admin or editor, you will have additional options on the component details page, too.

  1. When your component is in the creation process, you will have an extra component progress status section, indicating the already executed steps and the steps that you can take to proceed through the component lifecycle.

  2. To the right, apart from the confidence class, you will see review (if applicable) and validation sections.

Searching and filtering the components

You can filter the components by different parameters, such as component type, class, or manufacturer. As various component types have various sets of parameters, additional filtering parameters and search options will show once you select the component library, e.g., Technology or Cut cell options for PV modules.

A full list of filters based on the component library selection is in the following table:

All types

PV modules


Filtering options

  • Manufacturer

  • Confidence class

  • Manufacturer

  • Compatibility

  • Technology

  • Cut sale options

  • Maximum power at PV USA TC

  • Maximum power at STC

  • Length

  • Width

  • Bifaciality

  • Manufacturer

  • Compatibility

  • Number of AC faces phases

  • Number of MPPT inputs

  • Number of DC inputs per MPPT

  • Maximum AC power

You can filter the components further by the creator name when on the Components page, where you browse your and your company's components.

Compatibility and data formats

The PVCC aims to provide component data that various simulation tools can utilize. PVCC offers data in multiple formats to accommodate different simulators, including PV Syst, Solargis, and SAM. Each component indicates whether data is available for a specific format, with availability determined by the company supplying the data to the catalog.

You may need the data in different formats, as each application has its specifications. For instance, the parameter "Open Circuit Voltage Temperature Coefficient" is referred to as beta_oc in CEC SAM applications, muVocSpec in PVsyst, and MdulVTmpDrt in IEC 61850.

PVCC can provide data in multiple formats; however, not all formats may be available. Some formats require specific parameters that may not be supplied by the component's author, making it impossible to generate those formats. Nonetheless, the PVCC format will always be accessible.

Currently, the catalog can provide data in the following formats:

  • PVCC – Excel format of all the parameters collected by PVCC

  • PAN files - PVSyst files used for PV panels

  • OND files - PVSyst files used for inverters

  • CEC SAM - NREL’s simulation software

  • IEC 61850 - IEC 61850 standard

More formats are planned to be added in the future.

Component attachments

Each component detail may include additional attachments, such as data sheets, quality certificates, images, and data files. These attachments are available if the manufacturer has uploaded them. To view and download the attachments, you must be logged in and navigate to the component's detail page.

The attachments are located at the bottom of the page and are organized into groups by type, including pictures, data sheets, and certificates.

Confidence class

The components in the PVCC include various data sets, but not all fields or attachments are mandatory. Some components may be listed for historical reasons, and their data may be incomplete or not fully accurate.

We introduce a simple indicator called the confidence class to differentiate between components with comprehensive data and documentation and those with less complete or accurate information. This indicator summarizes these aspects in an easy-to-understand manner.  

Contextual help

You can find links and references to the user manual throughout the application to get help on the specific topic. Look for “i” icon in the application to navigate here. Clicking the icon will open a new tab with the relevant topic described in the documentation.