In this document
You will learn how to view basic project details from the dashboard and how to edit its attributes such as label assignments or project owners.
Project overview and location details
Clicking the project name will redirect you to the project overview page, where you can access the project and its location details.
General project details include the project’s name, owner, time created and last modified, and time zone.
Subscriptions of the project to applications.
Location details such as address, GPS coordinates, elevation, or terrain slope.
Project properties link to access and edit its properties.
Changing the project’s properties
To change the project properties, do the following:
Click “more detail” in the General tab of the project overview. Alternatively, use the “Project properties” button in the top right corner.
In the General tab, click the “Edit” button.
You can change the project name, add a note, change the owner, or assign labels.
Click the “Save” button to save the changes.