Publishing the components

In this document

We will focus on publishing a component to the PV catalog and outline its process. Additionally, we will explain how to update a published component when a new version comes to the market.

Published components

The publication process for PV components in the catalog is vital for companies looking to have their products utilized in photovoltaic designs, as it provides them with increased exposure in the market.

The rigorous pre-publishing review process and component confidence classification ensure the components' data is accurate and reliable. It allows developers to confidently rely on the parameters provided, facilitating safe component integration into their designs.

This process not only enhances the credibility of the components but also supports the overall advancement of reliable PV technology in integrated applications.

Publishing the components

Available to Editor and Admin users only. Only components with the Approved status can be published.

You can publish approved components immediately after their approval by clicking the “Publish” button on the component details page. Alternatively, if you do not want to publish a component and want to keep it stored for future reference, you can archive it instead.

There are a few important facts related to component publishing that you should know:

  • If you publish a new version of the same component, the older version will automatically gain Expired status.

  • Expired components are not listed in the catalog but can still be accessed through integration if they are in use.

  • Previously published versions will be displayed in the component's versions history.

Private components

You may decide not to publish the component if you wish the information about the component to be private. Such a component will only be visible to you and members of your company, and you can use it through your API integration. This way, you can use it in simulation in integrated software without it being visible to anyone else.