In this document
We will show you the structure of the template and how the data in it is organized.
Organization of the data
PVCC provides a Microsoft Excel template where you can specify the data you want to import. This speeds up the process of adding new components to the PVCC. As there are various types of components, there are multiple specific templates for each component type.
When adding a PV component, you'll need to fill in several parameters. To make this process easier, the template is designed with readability in mind. Parameters are organized in columns instead of rows, making them simpler to locate and read. Please fill in the data in the same column format.
Parameters groups
For better readability, the parameters are divided into groups, such as mechanical or electrical characteristics, market data, etc. These groups will help you to navigate through the required parameters.
Parameter units
The import template indicates the physical units in which the parameters must be entered. You cannot change them, as they represent the PVCC setup, and rewriting them will not change them in the PVCC settings.
The units column sometimes also specifies the required format; e.g., when entering dates, the date format is indicated as DD/MM/YYYY.
Mandatory fields
As the PVCC supports integration and cooperation between various platforms, the user can decide which platforms the component specification should be compatible with.
To enable this, the import template indicates mandatory parameters for each specification. For example, if the user wants their specification to be compatible with PVSyst, all parameters marked mandatory for PVSyst must be filled in. The values do not need to be filled in the import template and can be provided afterward - the check for missing parameters is performed later in the process.
The field is required if the column below the specific platform reads ‘Yes’.
The example below shows the weight parameter is only required if the specification is to be compatible with the PVSyst platform:
Enumerated fields
Some fields will prompt you to select one of the predefined options from the list, e.g., Technology of the PV module, providing options such as MONO CSI, POLY CSI, CDTE, THIN FILM, and CIGS. This is to help you to speed up the competition process. Click the cell and the dropdown will show.