Adding arrays to the project

In this document

We will teach you how to add arrays to your project.

Adding arrays to the project

There are two ways you can add an array to the project:

  1. To the Reference Point - A squared area array of 1MW output will be placed on the map by default, with the reference point in the middle. You can change its default size later in the array properties.

  2. To a Segment - An array will be added to a custom-sized segment, copying its layout area. The system will calculate its power output automatically based on different criteria, such as PV module type or table spacing. Currently, you cannot set the exact power output of an array inside a segment. You can create segments using the interactive 3D map.

Site preparation

Before you add an array to a project, you should determine how many arrays your installation will require:

  • A single array - the whole design will consist of a single array with one inverter setup connected to an inverter transformer.

  • Multiple arrays - the design will consist of two or more arrays connected to single/multiple inverter setups, connected to one or more inverter transformers.

Prepare your site segments based on the number of arrays you plan to install. Segment installation is the preferred way of adding arrays to the location. They can be custom-sized with the required shape to maximize space usage and installed capacity. You can prepare your site on the interactive 3D map or upload the layout as a KML file.

If you do not need custom-sized segment and your array can cover a square area around the reference point, you can add your array to the reference point. You can add only one array to the reference point. Additional arrays must be added to segments.

Currently, only ground segments can be used for array placements. The building and water segments are coming soon.

Excluding restricted areas and prohibited zones

If the location includes any areas that cannot be covered with PV arrays, you must exclude them. These could be rock formations, wetlands, protected areas, or even maintenance paths and other safe zones.

These areas can be added to the design in two ways:

Adding arrays to your project

You can add arrays either to the reference point or segment. Both will open an array addition wizard where you can adjust basic parameters and confirm the action.

To the reference point

  1. Navigate to the Site properties.

  2. Click the "Add Array" button to initiate the array addition wizard.

To the segement

  1. Select the segment you want to add an array to.

  2. Click the "Add Array" button to initiate the array addition wizard.

Once you have added arrays to all your segments, you can examine their power output and power segregation in the system properties.

The array addition wizard

The following popup will show after clicking the “Add Array” button.

  1. Select the type of array you want to add.

  2. Choose your inverter and the transformer to which it will be connected. You can leave it unchanged; a new inverter and transformer are selected by default.

  3. Click “OK” to add the array to the segment.

If you want to add arrays to multiple segments, repeat the steps for every segment. Details about how to configure your arrays are outlined in the Array configuration guide.