Satellite-based irradiance

In this document

Satellite-based irradiance models can estimate ground-level solar radiation for any site covered by satellite observations. The smart integration of models and input data ensures reliable performance across diverse geographical conditions.


Solar irradiance models must account for the various atmospheric processes that attenuate solar radiation as it travels from space to the Earth's surface. These processes include the effects of water vapor, aerosols, and clouds.

To obtain historical and recent solar irradiance data, Solargis employs a semi-empirical solar radiation model. This model is termed "semi-empirical" because it integrates satellite data to detect cloud properties through advanced algorithms while incorporating key physical parameters.

Semi-empirical models offer reliable results and effectively replicate real-world conditions. They strike a balance between fully physical and empirical models. Fully physical models attempt to explain Earth’s radiance by solving radiative-transfer equations, but they require detailed knowledge of the atmosphere's composition, which can be a limitation. Empirical models, by contrast, rely on simple regressions between satellite-visible channel data and ground station measurements, often lacking the precision required for solar energy applications.

The Solargis semi-empirical satellite-based model for solar irradiance consists of two main components:

Together, these models provide highly precise and accurate estimates of non-shaded global solar irradiance on a horizontal surface for specific locations.

The final output of the model is all-sky irradiance, which accounts for all atmospheric factors, including cloud cover. However, the model calculates non-shaded irradiance, meaning it does not consider shadows from the horizon, nearby objects, or the plant’s own infrastructure. These shading effects are applied later when calculating the incident irradiance on the power plant's surface, referred to as Global Tilted Irradiance (GTI) or irradiation.

All-sky irradiance corresponds to global irradiance, which must later be divided into its two main solar irradiance components: direct and diffuse irradiance. In addition, the calculation of GTI will incorporate contributions from ground-reflected irradiance, which requires evaluating the ground albedo at the power plant’s location.

The result of semi-empirical models can also be used in energy forecasting applications by means of cloud motion vector (CMV) models. These models estimate short-term cloud movement to predict solar irradiance for the next few hours.

Diagram showing the calculation chain of Solargis semi-empirical satellite-based model

Clear sky model

Clear-sky irradiance represents the solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface at a specific location and time, assuming no clouds are present. In other words, it is the theoretical maximum irradiance, upon which the actual reduction due to cloud cover is superimposed.

Earth-Sun Astronomical Position

Clear-sky irradiance is influenced by several factors, primarily the Earth-Sun distance and their relative positions.

For any given location, the position of the Sun in the sky must be calculated at each moment. The angle of the Sun affects the amount of atmosphere that solar radiation must pass through, which is measured by the "relative air mass." This factor represents the optical path length that sunlight travels through the atmosphere compared to the shortest possible path, which occurs when the Sun is directly overhead (air mass = 1). As the Sun’s zenith angle increases, the light travels through a longer atmospheric path, increasing the air mass and reducing irradiance.

Solar eclipses

Solar eclipses, although temporary, also significantly impact solar irradiance. The extent and duration of the irradiance drop depend on the type of eclipse—total, partial, or annular—and the observer’s location relative to the eclipse path.

This effect must be carefully modeled by accounting for the precise movements of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, using well-established celestial mechanics to predict available solar energy during an eclipse.


Elevation and surrounding terrain features directly influence irradiance calculations. At this stage of modeling, elevation above sea level is particularly important, as it affects the intensity of received irradiance. Later in the modeling process, terrain features will be analyzed in more detail to assess shading effects on total incident irradiance for solar power plants.

Site Atmospheric Gases

The model also accounts for the scattering and absorption of solar irradiance as it passes through the atmosphere. This requires detailed input on the composition of atmospheric gases, particularly water vapor and ozone.

These inputs are obtained through advanced Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models, which integrate a broad range of observational data, including satellite and ground-based measurements. Running NWP models over long historical periods in a process called "reanalysis" produces a high-resolution, continuous dataset that reflects the atmospheric conditions over time.


Another important factor accounted for in clear-sky irradiance is the atmospheric aerosol content. These tiny particles typically come from dust storms, industrial emissions, and other events like wildfires and volcanoes. They are transported in the air following specific patterns, which are also modeled and incorporated into the clear-sky irradiance computation chain.

Aerosol data inputs are also taken from reanalysis NWP datasets. State-of-the-art solar irradiance models as Solargis make use of the most modern input data (satellite and atmospheric), which are systematically quality-controlled and validated.

The parameter that describes aerosol content for the irradiance model is called Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD). It measures the extinction of solar radiation by aerosol particles in the atmosphere. It is a dimensionless magnitude, where a value of 0 indicates a sky with no aerosols.

Available inputs used in our model have lower spatial resolution and therefore cannot resolve local effects, especially in areas with extreme and changing concentrations (e.g. regions with high industrial pollution). In such cases, model uncertainty will be higher.

New models for clear-sky irradiance can obtain separated irradiance components using a more advanced spectral integration scheme and aerosol transmittance scheme. They also incorporate a versatile parameterization of the aerosol circumsolar solar irradiance.

Inputs used by Solargis irradiance model to obtain information about water vapour and ozone



Time Coverage

Original Time Step

Approximate Grid Resolution



1994 to 2010

Daily (from 1-hourly)

35 km



2011 to 2015

Daily (from 3-hourly)

55 km



2015 to present

Daily (from 1-hourly)

27 km

Inputs used by Solargis model to obtain information about aerosols



Time Coverage

Original Time Step

Approximate Grid Resolution


MERRA-2 reanalysis

1994 to 2002

Daily (from 3-hourly)

55 km


MACC-II reanalysis

1994 to 2002

Monthly (long-term calculated from reanalysis)

125 km


MACC-II reanalysis

2003 to 2012

Daily (from 6-hourly)

125 km


MACC-II operational

2013 to 2015

Daily (from 3-hourly)

125 km


CAMS near-real time

2016 to present

Daily (from 3-hourly)

45 km

Cloud model

Satellite data from several geostationary satellites is used to quantify cloud attenuation through cloud index calculations. This process relies on high-resolution imagery and radiometric data from multiple spectral bands provided by radiometer instruments on geostationary satellites covering different regions of the globe.

Since 1994, radiometers on satellites like Meteosat, GOES, and Himawari have advanced significantly:


Meteosat evolved from basic imaging with MVIRI to more sophisticated multi-spectral imaging with SEVIRI, and is now moving towards the upcoming FCI instrument.


The GOES missions transitioned from the I-M series, which offered basic imaging, to the GOES-R series with the advanced ABI, providing better resolution and enhanced capabilities.


The Himawari missions progressed from basic multispectral imaging to the highly advanced AHI, greatly improving weather and environmental monitoring in the Asia-Pacific region.

Geographical coverage of different satellite areas

Inputs used by Solargis model to obtain information about clouds

Spatial coverage



Time coverage

Original time step

Europe and Africa


Meteosat 5, 6, 7 (Prime)

1994 to 2004

30 minutes

Europe and Africa


Meteosat 8, 9, 10, 11 (Prime)

2005 to present

15 minutes

South Asia, Middle East, Central

Asia, and parts of East Asia


Meteosat 5, 6, 7 (IODC)

1999 to 2017

30 minutes

South Asia, Middle East, Central

Asia, and parts of East Asia


Meteosat 8, 9 (IODC)

2017 to present

15 minutes

North America and South America


GOES 8, 12, 13, 14 (East)

1999 to 2017

30 minutes

North America and South America


GOES 16 (East)

2018 to 2019

15 minutes

North America and South America


GOES 16 (East)

2019 to present

10 minutes

Northwest America, Pacific islands


GOES 10, 11, 15 (West)

1999 to 2018

30 minutes

Northwest America, Pacific islands


GOES 17, 18 (West)

2019 to present

10 minutes

East Asia and Western Pacific Rim



Himawari 7 (MTSAT)

2007 to 2016

30 minutes

East Asia and Western Pacific Rim



Himawari 8, 9

2016 to present

10 minutes

Enhancement of spatial resolution

The spatial resolution of the satellite data used—Meteosat, GOES, and MTSAT—is approximately 3 km at the sub-satellite point (see table below for further details). However, actual pixel resolution may vary depending on the time period and the site’s latitude, with higher latitudes experiencing more pixel distortion due to their distance from the equator.

Using resampling techniques and digital terrain models, the spatial resolution of data products can be enhanced to as high as 3 arc-seconds, which corresponds to about 90 meters at the equator, with slightly lower resolution as you move towards the poles.

Original grid resolution of satellite inputs used by Solargis model to obtain information about clouds

Spatial coverage

Satellite region

Nominal satellite longitude

Time coverage

Pixel size (HxW)

Nominal longitude, Equator

Pixel size (HxW)

Nominal longitude, 50th parallel

Europe and Africa



1994 to 2004

2.5 × 2.5 km

5 x 2.7 km

Europe and Africa



2004 to present

3 × 3 km

6 x 3.2 km

South Asia, Middle East, Central

Asia, and parts of East Asia


63º / 57º / 41.5º / 45.5º (East)

1999 to 2017

2.5 × 2.5 km

5 x 2.7 km

South Asia, Middle East, Central

Asia, and parts of East Asia


63º / 57º / 41.5º / 45.5º (East)

2017 to present

3 × 3 km

6 x 3.2 km

North America and South America


75º (West)

1999 to 2017

4 × 4 km

8 x 4.3 km

North America and South America


75º (West)

2018 to present

2 × 2 km

4 x 2.1 km

Northwest America, Pacific islands


135º / 137º (West)  

1999 to 2018

4 × 4 km

8 x 4.3 km

Northwest America, Pacific islands


135º / 137º (West)  

2019 to present

2 × 2 km

4 x 2.1 km

East Asia and Western Pacific Rim



145º / 141º (East)

2007 to 2016

4 × 4 km

8 x 4.3 km

East Asia and Western Pacific Rim



145º / 141º (East)

2016 to present

2 × 2 km

4 x 2.1 km

Cloud detection in high surface albedo areas

In areas with high surface albedo, such as snow-covered regions, salt flats, or white-sand areas, the cloud index is derived from infrared channels in satellite data.

Additionally, snow depth and air temperature data from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models are incorporated to classify each data point into one of the following categories: snow-covered, snow-free land, water, cloud, or unclassified.

Occasionally, snow may not be detected, particularly in winter months, which can lead to higher model uncertainty in snow-prone regions.

Model update frequency

Final atmospheric data are not available at the time of solar radiation calculation. After some time, usually with a delay of 12 hours, we receive updated, final atmospheric data inputs. When we receive updated atmospheric data, we recalculate solar radiation data using the updated inputs.

The typical timeline of calculation of solar radiation data is as follows:

  1. Every day, solar radiation data is calculated for DAY-1 and DAY-2.

  2. At the beginning of each month, solar radiation data for the previous month is re-calculated using final atmospheric data inputs. Atmospheric data are homogenized with historical data records to avoid abrupt changes due to changes in atmospheric models.


Solar radiation data (based on satellite observations, not forecast) for 15th January will first become available on the morning of 16th January.

The data for 15th January will be updated on 17th January and then again on 2nd or 3rd of February.

The data received on the 2nd or 3rd of February can be considered definitive or archived. From time to time, there is also a need to recalculate whole historical periods because of model updates. However, important to note is that differences introduced with every update are typically small. Every model change is recorded in version number.

Further reading