In this document
We will guide you through the energy system designer's general settings and how to set your simulation data inputs, albedo, and horizon shading.
Energy system designer general settings
When you open the energy system designer, the general settings page will show by default. It offers the following sections:
General settings - you can change the PV system’s name or leave a note for future reference.
Simulation data input - depending on the availability, you can choose your data source, particular dataset, resolution, date range, or albedo settings. Selecting the dataset is required to proceed with energy system design.
Horizon shading - you can examine the location’s default horizon shading, edit it if required, or export it to a HOR file for use in 3rd party applications.
Energy system’s basic data
In the General tab, you can see if the simulation has already been calculated, the type of design in terms of mounting method, dates of project creation, and last edit.
Change the name of the energy system - this is the name of the energy system displayed in the energy systems list.
Leave a note for future reference (if required).
Simulation data input
Your selections in this section will determine the accuracy and granularity of the simulation in terms of solar, meteorological, and environmental factors. Available options are directly dependent on the project activation stage. You can choose from more options if you have activated your project to Full evaluation.
Selecting data source and dataset is required to proceed to the energy system design stage.
The data source availability depends on the type of subscription you assign to the project.
The dataset determines the granularity and data ranges used in the calculations.
If the dataset provides it, albedo information will also be available. It can be customized by selecting one of the manual options from the dropdown.
Horizon shading
Horizon shading is calculated from the environmental data and depicts the terrain elevation and shading in the location’s surroundings. Our system uses Solargis horizon shading data by default.
It illustrates the sun’s path between June and December solstice, with gray shading at given times and angles.
Editing the horizon shading
You can modify and enter your own horizon data if required. After clicking the “Modify horizon” link, you can paint the shading directly in the image using your mouse or enter the horizon data as text in the following form:
Azimuth (degrees from North): Elevation (degrees from horizontal)
To save the horizon shading edits, click the “Save” button. This horizon setting will also be applied to the 3D energy system designer map.
Downloading the horizon data
If you require, you can download the site’s horizon data to a HOR file.
While in the horizon editing mode, open the three-dot menu in the top-right corner, select “Download to HOR file,” and save it to your computer.